Wilfride Piollet

Wilfride Piollet is an eminent dancer of the Paris Opera and a pedagogue at the Paris State Conservatory. In her work she focuses on dancers of classical ballet and contemporary dance. She is very much active in the field of theatre and is also concerned with Labanotation. Together with Odile Rouquet she has created a revolutionary method of Functional Analysis of Dance Movement. Wilfride Piollet' s work, on the whole, returns to classical dance and incorporates in it the most recent research in dance movement. She prepares dancers to be able to work with very varied movement vocabularies, on the basis of knowledge of the fundamentals of dance movement and the knowledge of their own body. She also insists on greater independence during classes within which she connects strong dance currents, spanning many styles from Baroque to William Forsyth. This outstanding personality has accepted an invitation from SE.S.TA to come to the Czech Republic and present her vision of classical ballet as well as her application of all dance styles.

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