Sophie Billy

In addition to her career as a ballerina in the London Festival Ballet and the Royal Ballet de Wallonie, Sophie Billy has been a member of both neo-classical and contemporary dance companies. Together with Jean-Christophe Parré and Wilfred Piollet she is developing a method of functional analysis of movements which can be directly applied to dance technique and interpretation. Having the higher French degree in dance Education, the CA she currently works as a teacher for the state degree of pedagogy at the National Dance Centre (Centre National de la Danse). She is a founder of her own dance company ‘De Sidera’ and of an association of specialists in dance education for small children. She is also a specialist on music for dancers and has a degree in the Labanotation. For many years now she has been giving seminars of pedagogy to Czech teachers, together with Anka Sedláčková. Her activities in the Czech Republic are organized and mediated by SE.S.TA.

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