Pedro Pauwels

Born in Belgium, Pedro Pauwels studied at the Rosella Hightower Centre in Cannes. He collaborated with Dominique Bagouet, Mathilde Monnier, Petr Goss, Viola Farber, Jean-François Duroure, Bella Lewitsky. He danced with Karine Saporta – at the Caen CCN / National Centre for Choreography, then with Odile Duboc at the Belfort CCN. In November 1990 Pedro Pauwels founded his own dance company PePau, presenting his first production, “L’Insoupçonnée” in 1991. Ever since he has been producing pieces with the company on regular basis, also creating concepts for individual events. Likewise, he also runs educational and awareness-raising activities in cooperation with the French National Board of Education, concurrently teaching at the Paris CND. In 2003 and the 3 ensuing years, Pedro Pauwels turned his attention to the field of science and technology: he got to cooperate with the University in Caen and created the project “Sens I” in his laboratory at the Enghien-les-Bains Centre. In 2006 the project “Sens I” was chosen by the dance commission of the AFAA to tour around South Africa. In 2007, “Sens I” was performed in Paris, at the Festival Caire and in Carthage, Tunisia. Upon an invitation from SE.S.TA’s he presented the production in Prague in 2007 (together with the piece “Etal“) in a version that also included the so called “sense-enhancing track“ and a pedagogical training for professionals concerned with teaching children. He currently works in the French region of Limousin from which he gains support, the same as from the city of Limoges. He keeps actively developing his pedagogical activities as well as events focused on raising awareness.

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