Eva Urbanová

Eva Urbanová (SK/CZ) graduated from the Department of Choreography at Prague’s HAMU, and studied at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London. As a dancer, she has worked with Yuki Suzuki, Petra Fornayová, and Jana Stárková, among others; as a choreographer, she has worked with the Dance Conservatoire Prague, Janacek Conservatory in Ostrava and the junior dance company Bohemia Balet. In 2019, she created the work DANCE is not DEAD! for the Central European Dance Theatre in Budapest. Her work Women of Dust was chosen by the 2020 Malá Inventura festival in the "Young Blood” category. Eva’s movement vocabulary is predominately inspired by contemporary Israeli dance and physical theatre. In 2021, Eva is being supported by SE.S.TA Centre for Choreographic Development as part of the KoresponDance at Work programme. / Photo: Petr Kiška

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