Elena Kofina

Studied at the Accademia Nazionale di Danza in Rome and at the Folkwang Universität der Künste in Essen, where in 2016, she attained her Master in dance pedagogy. Since her studies as a dancer, she had the possibility to work in Germany and in Italy with choreographers like Pina Baush, Samir Akika, Norbert Steinwarz, Johannes Wieland, Kuo Chu Wu, Caterina Genta, Beatrice Libonati, Paolo Fossa, Mara Tsironi and Freddy Houndekindo. Interested in the reconstruction of repertory pieces she worked with Jim May and Libby Nye on the piece "Rooms " of Anna Sokolov and "A Choreographic Offering" of José Limon. Her interest of rediscovering the old tradition of dance is accompanied by the curiosity of the exploring the development of movement and body expression in the present time and society. Bringing theatre and somatic expression in non conventional spaces is an element recurring in her artistic research and experience as in her own piece "Gebrauchsanweisung" and her solo "Istruzioni per" developed between 2012 and 2013.

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