Benjamin Richter

Benjamin Richter (DE) is a transdisciplinary artist working from a base of juggling and dance since 1991. He works with the relationship between body, object and space in the fields of contemporary circus, sculpture and performance art. The basis and starting point of all of his work is his object-oriented practice "TLO, The Language of Objects“ with which he combines improvisation strategies and somatic practices in teaching, choreography and performance. In addition to his own performance works and choreography/coaching for other companies, e.g. Rapid Eye (DK), Andrea Salustri (ITA) and Hippana/Maleta (D/IRL), he has performed all over the world with companies such as Gandini Juggling and Cirkus Cirkör. Since 2016 he has been collaborating with Cox Ahlers and Jenny Patschovsky on site-specific processes and performances for the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation. Benjamin has taught at the circus department at SKH, Stockholm at BA, MA and PHD levels since 2003. He also runs the independent course “Artistic Development in Circus Disciplines”. Benjamin loves juggling and moving and believes the synthesis of the two art forms to be a unique abstract-expressive language positioned between dance and the visual arts.

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