SE.S.TA Blog

The Blog features theoretical reflections on SE.S.TA Centre for Choreographic Development’s activities and interviews with artists participating in our programs. Their authentic testimony serves as the guide for other interested parties who may be wondering what to expect from a stay with us and how their artistic work might develop.

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Od hierarchie k anarchii: Dekonstrukce moci v performativním umění

Katarína Brestovanská

S nárůstem „nekonvenčních“ interaktivních a participativních formátů v performativním umění vyvstávají otázky, jak systém rozdělení moci ve společnosti ovlivňuje myšlení tvůrců (1). Zároveň tyto nové formáty odhalují potenciál spolupráce a hodnotu, kterou uměleckému dílu přinášejí diváci ve své rozmanitosti.

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Baroque Walks as multilayered encounters, as a parallel for the transformation of non-binary bodies, as an emotional bypass of intellectual experience, as a reconstructing and stitching back together of historical threads and much more

Katarína Brestovanská

I spoke with Becka McFadden and Daniel Somerville of Beautiful Confusion Collective about their upcoming performance Baroque Walks during and shortly after their residency “Art Cluster” at the Žďár nad Sázavou Estate. I was especially interested in their work because I have also been working with Baroque references from architecture and music as a choreographer. I dive into their imaginative bubbles, to their multilayered spacious universe, which attracts me in a way that I wished to intervieved them not only once. I wish you good read!

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