The Coronavirus Is Us
We live in an interconnected world, where borders are porous, more like living membranes than physical walls. Excerpt from the text by professor of philosophy Michael Marder published in New York Times on March 3rd, 2020.
Na blogu publikujeme teoretické reflexe aktivit Centra choreografického rozvoje SE.S.TA. Ve spolupráci s umělci z oblasti tance a souvisejících oborů shromažďujeme a reflektujeme materiál v naší dynamicky se rozvíjející profesi. Snažíme se porozumět tématům a fenoménům, které ovlivňují uvažování umělců a jejich uměleckou tvorbu. A tak obohatit kolektivní znalosti našeho oboru.
We live in an interconnected world, where borders are porous, more like living membranes than physical walls. Excerpt from the text by professor of philosophy Michael Marder published in New York Times on March 3rd, 2020.
I was not scared of dying. I was scared of dying alone. An excerpt from the text of philosoph, curatot and trans activist Paul B. Preciado author of the book Testo Junky and newly released book Appartement on Uranus.
Marie Kinsky talks with choreographer Mirka Eliášová (CZ), professor on Academy of Performing Arts in Prague about the usage of specific choreogrephic tools in her teaching and creations, about improvisation as an opening tool for later choreography, about the influence of William Forsythe technic and her research on these principlas in relation to the contact improvisation