SE.S.TA Blog

Na blogu publikujeme teoretické reflexe aktivit Centra choreografického rozvoje SE.S.TA. Ve spolupráci s umělci z oblasti tance a souvisejících oborů shromažďujeme a reflektujeme materiál v naší dynamicky se rozvíjející profesi. Snažíme se porozumět tématům a fenoménům, které ovlivňují uvažování umělců a jejich uměleckou tvorbu. A tak obohatit kolektivní znalosti našeho oboru.

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Články na blogu

Thoughts on the Theme of Circulation

It’s obvious that the Centre for Choreographic Development is about creative, rather than presentation, strategies. It has long concerned itself with creativity and the process of artistic creation, without emphasis on a performance or a resulting product. The aim thus becomes creative process itself, which can be used in the longer-term development of the artist’s work. SE.S.TA is aware that phenomenon of innovation is the result of investment in the individual and has long brought this neoliberal idea, which is part of the cultural and educational policies of all developed countries, to the Czech dance environment. Interdisciplinary Incubator: SE.S.TA Centre for Choreographic Development, 11.3-16.3.2018, Žďár nad Sázavou.

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Space and Circulation for Pedagogues

Eva Orcígrová

February’s Dance Pedagogy Workshop (seminar) from SE.S.TA Centre for Choreographic Development was dedicated to the theme of space and circulation within it. It brought together novice and experienced dance teachers from art schools, as well as dancers and choreographers - aspiring pedagogues - with French dancer and dance pedagogue Sophie Billy, dancer, choreographer and pedagogue Mirka Eliášová, architect Dorota Kluska and a coach - myself. Interdisciplinarity and a wealth of experience and approaches to the theme underpinned the days we spent together. The main themes were dance, pedagogy, space and circulation. Space and circulation were considered from the point of view of dance

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Tanec a architektura

Mirka Eliášová

Tanec a architektura mají mnoho společného. Především prostor, ale také jednotlivé pojmy, které používáme jak pro tanec tak pro architekturu např. kompozice, objem – hmota, materiál, vnitřní prostor, vnější prostor, rytmus, proporce, zlatý řez, kontrast, symetrie, linie, detail, vertikala, sagitála, horizontála a další.

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