SE.S.TA Blog

Na blogu publikujeme teoretické reflexe aktivit Centra choreografického rozvoje SE.S.TA. Ve spolupráci s umělci z oblasti tance a souvisejících oborů shromažďujeme a reflektujeme materiál v naší dynamicky se rozvíjející profesi. Snažíme se porozumět tématům a fenoménům, které ovlivňují uvažování umělců a jejich uměleckou tvorbu. A tak obohatit kolektivní znalosti našeho oboru.

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Články na blogu

Poetheoretical Commentary

Viktor Čech

Art historian and curator Viktor Čech wrote a Poetheoretical Commentary on Choreographic works in progress which were presented at the end of the Coaching Residencies in National Gallery Prague and Studio Alta, on August 28th ant 29th, 2019. This year the artist who attended Coaching residencies were Laura Brechmann (DE), Elena Iachininoto – Kees Huisman (NE), Sara Bocchini, Tomáš Janypka (SK) – Sabina Bočková (CZ), Johana Pocková (CZ) and were coached this year by dramaturge and director of Montreal dance Kathy Casey (CA) and choreographer and dramaturge Ana Dubljevic (SER). 

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Choreographic Moment

Viktor Čech

Art historian and curator Viktor Čech is launching his book Choreographic Moment this Friday 27.9.2019 in bookstore ArtMap. The book focuses on the occurrence of choreographic mechanisms and actual dance in contemporary visual art during the past decades.The book was created as part of his PhD project at the Faculty of Art and Design at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem and. Here is the short introduction to the book and we will soon update more excerpts from the book. 

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Postmodern dance today

Viktor Čech

Curator and art historian Viktor Čech develops the meaning and the impact of the postmodernism in relation to the history of dance. Which position takes the postmodern dance in regard to the modern dance? Trio A as critic of production. How are the histories of visual art and dance merging together? What is happening and who is Czech postmodern scene?…

Published in Ateliér no. 13/ 2013 p. 13

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