Every day we introduce a new theme in the field of dance dramaturgy into the discussion by means of short presentations by international guests. As a common reference point or springboard for the discussion we use the performance presented at the Czech Dance Platform. This year’s international guests are Marisa Hayes, a Paris-based American-French dance theorist, artist and coordinator of the Video Dance Festival of Burgundy who focuses on the theme of expanded choreography, and Italian professor of performance history and theatre at the Susanne Beltrami Acad- emy in Milan, Lorenzo Conti, who in his research analyses the concept of audience. The forum is open to the professional and lay public.
The programme of meetings is in preparation.
More information about program of CDP: www.tanecniplatforma.cz.
Tickets for performences: www.tanecniplatforma.cz.
Entrance to the Choreographical Forum is free and there is no need to book a place.
Projekt vzniká za podpory MHMP a MKČR ve spolupráci s Česká taneční platforma.