About us
It started with candle-light, I suppose. Or maybe with Erin-Bel picking me up. The sex appeal of an older lady. Or the train journey. It ended with a bus journey. Tarot cards to lead the way home. Or maybe it ended with falling through the sky onto my ass. I was beautiful, a glowing diva. Open and generous I gave myself to you, to Pawel, to Eva, to Zdeněk even. We gave ourselves to each other. A gift, a kiss of light in the darkness.
Of course it was about people. It always is. About us. And the others, the strangers watching. The darkness inside of bodies. About going underneath the skin. With love, tenderness, consent, kindness. With empathy. Always with empathy.
We did things and we explored things. We shared strategies and slime. We slept together and dreamed apart. We ate too much meat.
Crust and slime
The slime says to the crust,
„What are you?“
Crust to slime,
„I am all that you can see –
The boundary between you and me,“
Slime to crust,
„Then what am I?“
„You are slime,
You are yours,
Yet given to me –
I can touch you, feel you, sniff you, eat you, And then a part of you is inside of me.“
„Between us is darkness, Yet you can be the light, We will walk blinded, Guided only by the touch Of slime
From someone else’s hand.“ …
For me this week was a lot about exploring each other. We shared our strategies of how to cross over the boundary that seperates me from you. We tried to do things through flat-heirarchies, through empathy and consent. I feel that we were generous and we really shared.
We explored different layers of the spaces we were in and different ways of relating to them. I really enjoyed learning about Santini and the crazy geometry of his church. I also really enjoyed our sleepover reading session, the magic of being together inside of a weave of words was something truly special.
And in the end, we tried to find a way to share these things in an approachable way, that still remained true to our interests.